Saturday, September 21, 2013

Interview with a two(!!!) year old.

Ingrid Elizabeth, 2 years old and full of noise, laughter and "I love you"s

Favorite things: peach yogurt. playing Memory. mermaids, her doll, "Baby Emily" & her big sister.
I'm not being facetious about that last part, they actually are pretty great buddies right now.
But let's hear it straight from her:

20 Questions: A Birthday Interview with Miss Ingrid

1) What is something that Mommy says to you?
"Mommy take a picture."

2) What makes you happy? 
Amelia make me happy. 

3) What makes you sad?
Amelia make me sad.

4) What makes you laugh? 
Amelia make me laugh. 

5) How old are you? 
Um, one. Until my birthday. Then I be two.

6) How old is Mommy? 
Um, Twenty-one. (brownie points awarded...)

7) How old is Daddy? 
Um, Thirty-one. Like you! (brownie points retracted...)

8) How old is Amelia? 

9) Who is your best friend? 
Um, food.

10) What are you really good at? 
I a good friend.

11) What did you do today?
I played with Robert and Livia and Molly

12) What is your favorite food? 
Broccoli, yeah! 

13) What is your favorite song? 
"Two Little Hot Dogs frying in a pan 
The grease got hot and one went BAM!"
(thanks, Ollie!!)

14) What is your favorite color? 

15) What do you sleep with at night? 

16) What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Peter Pan. (I told her that he actually doesn't want to grow up, but I think that conversation was over her head..)

17) What is your favorite toy? 
My Baby Emily.

18) Where is your favorite place to go?
The park!

19) What is your favorite book? 
There's a Mouse About the House

20) What is your favorite thing to do outside? 
Ride my bike to the fountain with my helmet .

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