Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Boy? Girl? It's anyone's guess..

As most of you know, I kind of think ultrasound pictures are creepy - but I was persuaded to share just one. Consider yourselves lucky, this photo is not even on Facebook, this blog has the exclusive story. 

Baby Olson #2 is doing well and scheduled for an approximate arrival on September 21st.
Two arms.. two legs.. two hands and two feet! 

Amelia hasn't the slightest idea what is going on, however the ultrasound lady gave her a sticker and the receptionist humored her "peek-a-boo" so she had a nice day either way. 

Heart rate: 158 at 14 weeks. No morning sickness. No heartburn. No crazy cravings.
Any guesses?? The official gender guess poll starts today..

Our (read: MY) thought for now is that we will be waiting until September to find out whether he/she is a he/she; however Issac still has five weeks to try and persuade me otherwise. He tells me that he's going to spend the next month "learning how to read an ultrasound on the internet" so that he can find out for himself.

So, what do you think? Boy?? Girl??


  1. I think boy. Lucian thinks girl and he is wondering if she has a pirate smile yet :)

  2. If meebs is going to continue sailing the seven seas she is going to need a strong lad to help her swab the decks and hoist the sales.

  3. I think GIRL! Mostly because all of my mommy friends having baby #2 nowadays seem to be having babies that are the same sex as baby #1. Including myself! :) And I'm going to guesstimate a debut date of September 18, 2011. :)
